往复单元 柱塞泵
品牌 温工
型号 2UB5
材质 铸铁
驱动方式 电动
用途 排污泵
泵轴位置 卧式
重量 550(kg)
规格 1350*1080*1080mm
类型 变量柱塞泵
流量 5
转速 0
工作压力 4.5Mpa
原理 柱塞泵
柱塞直径 38
柱塞数 2
2UB5 型双缸柱塞泵 特点: 2UB5型柱塞式砂浆泵、动力强劲、泵送平滑、磨损小,应用范围广,适用于现场搅拌砂浆,预拌干混砂浆、粘结砂浆、保温、防火砂浆、地表砂浆、自流平砂浆的施工,应用于坝基帷注浆,边坡锚固注浆、隧道及地下工程桩基、土钉墙(围坡)的洞孔注浆。 2UB5piston mortar pump have strong power, smooth pumping, small abrasion, wide range of applications. They’re applicable for on-site mixing mortar, ready-mixed dry mortar, adhesive mortar, thermal insulation mortar, fireproof mortar, floor surface mortar, self-leveling mortar construction. They"re widely used in the dam foundation curtain grouting, slope anchor grouting, holes grouting in tunnel and underground project pile, soil nail wall (circumference slope). 2UB5 Model
电源(Supply power) 400V 50Hz
电机功率(Motor power) 5.5kw
柱塞数(Piston quantity) 2piece
理念排量(Maximum output) 83L/min
输送压力(Delivery pressure) 4.5Mpa
水平输送距离(Horizontal delivery distance) 0-300m
垂直输送距离(Vertical delivery distance) 0-80m
进道直径(Feeding hose diameter) 89mm
排道直径(Discharging hose diameter) 51mm
重量(Net weight) 550kg
外型尺寸(Dimension)(L×W×H) 1350*1080*1080mm
Note: The above figures are only for reference, due to differences in physical and chemical properties of selected mortar, its each value is different accordingly. 导购推荐